Category Archives: Introduction

Welcome Martian, This is Canada!

Hello Martian,

I recognize that you have recently arrived in Canada, and this must have confused you a lot. Do not worry; Canada is a great place to live in! I am not absolute on how much you learned about Canada by talking to other students. However, there are many stereotypes that you may have heard of for example: We eat maple syrup everyday. I tell you this is not true. If you want to know more facts about Canada, please follow my blog. Still, I am sincerely sorry I could not answer your question of what it means to be Canadian when you asked me that day. I am sure that at the end of the year, I will be able to tell you what my definition of being Canadian is.

To learn more about Canada, I will be taking you through a journey to my blog, talking about significant issues in Canadian history. Also, the structure and workings of the Canadian government. Through the year, I will update about the current world events that impact and have a great influence to Canada. With this further research and reflection, what being Canadian means to me will come to light and you will be able to deduce your own definition of being Canadian too. I cannot wait to meet you at the end of the year with my new knowledge of Canada. Hope you will be able to enjoy our multicultural and beautiful country.